A Book Talk with Sam Osherson
Rome, Carthage, and Me: August 21 at 4pm EST
The wars between Rome and Carthage have fascinated people through history, including such diverse figures as Sigmund Freud, Gustave Flaubert, and President Dwight Eisenhower. The story has enthralled me since I was a young teenager and first read about Hannibal taking all those elephants over the Alps. And that’s just part of a story—it gets even more interesting!
In the ZOOM talk on Aug 21, I will talk about what happened, how it shaped the world today, and why I wrote The Wolf Boy, historical fiction that looks at the relationship between the famous general Hannibal and the orphaned boy who becomes his servant, then his scribe.
This is a story that can engage young people—bringing history to life, helping them think about what really matters in their studies. I invite middle, upper, and college teachers, history buffs, and people who just like a good story to join me on August 21 at 4- 5 pm EST.
I always welcome impromptu questions at my talks, and you are also welcome to send questions in advance to my email here.
Click here Saturday the 21st at 4pm to join the talk on Zoom.